Catch up #1. Surprise request

July 11, 2014
Last May (2013), I was contacted by Chris Pratt, a Station Manager with Devon and Somerset fire and rescue service. He asked me where I got the cover picture from for All Fired Up. I had to admit that I didn't know because it was the art department at Orion Publishers, who had created it, perhaps with the help of Photo-shop.
It turned out that it hadn't been 'created', and in fact was a photo of an actual incident at a village called Clyst Hidon  in Devon, which was hanging on the wall of Chris's fire station.
 The Fireman crouching next to the swimming pool was retiring soon so Chris asked me if I could help with a leaving present by signing a book jacket which he would then frame and give to Chris Russell at the retirement party. I was happy to help, and here is the resulting picture.


Hey, a new look website... ta da!

July 7, 2014
So... today's the day I'm launching my new look website. I've had the most wonderful help and support from Fiona at THP Creative, but we did come across a tiny glitch when the blogs from 2013 were moved over...  and the last couple of blogs reverted to today's date. So now it looks like I've had a really busy couple of days!
Sorry for any confusion, but from now on everything should go smoothy.

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Fantastic weekend at Abbotsholme School

July 7, 2014
I had been asked to be the guest speaker at the 'Summer Gathering' at Abbotsholme School. This is when the sixth formers bid farewell to their years at a quite fantastic independent school. I had decided to split my speech into two halves. The first half poked a little light-hearted fun at the Headmaster who is a friend from way back. He is very highly respected in his profession so I was careful to be selective with my choice of stories. The second half concentrated on my adventures in becom...
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